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By Kevin Chambers Since 2008, interest rates around the world have been kept incredibly low by governments and central banks. In the US, interest rates have been inching up the last couple of years. Globally, interest rates in the developed world are still very low, and in some countries have remained negative. Kevin reviews the story of Brexit, discusses the important points facing the ratification processes, and outlines how this event will affect the both British and US citizens. Read the complete paper here. Here at Headwater Investment Consulting, we are avid readers of the Economist. One of the articles we look forward to every year is called the Big Mac Index. This is the Economist’s “light-hearted guide to exchange rates.” First published in 1986, it is a measure to see if currencies are over or undervalued versus their exchange rate.A Month To Celebrate: Scott Chambers
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on May 1st, 2019
Morningstar Style Box
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on April 24th, 2019
Current State of Interest Rates
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on April 18th, 2019
Brexit Update
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on March 12th, 2019
National Debt
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on February 26th, 2019
Brexit: Britain's Pending Exit from the EU
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on January 28th, 2019
Exchange Rates: a Big Mac Challenge
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on January 22nd, 2019
Holiday Hours
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on December 19th, 2018
Money Market Boom
Submitted by Headwater Investment Consulting on December 19th, 2018